Trying to find and retain a job when you have learning disabilities or are neurodiverse can be a challenging experience. Residents aged 18 and over, in the London Borough of Kingston who have learning disabilities, Autism/Asperger’s or mental health issues can access a support service to pursue paid employment as well as training or volunteering.
Our employment support workers provide support and guidance for clients to move toward paid employment including support with CV’s, job applications, interview preparation and access to training, education and work experience. We work together with the client to create an individual action plan to help them achieve their employment goals and provide support around additional needs to get on the road to paid employment.
Kingston Supported Employment Service FAQs
Do clients need a formal disability diagnosis?Clients do not need to provide evidence of a formal diagnosis, as many clients are referred by the relevant social care team that is enough.
Is there a cost for using any of the services?The service is completely free.
Where do clients meet their employment support worker?Clients do not have to meet in person there is the possibility of meeting over the phone or via Zoom. If clients want to meet in person, there are various community locations across the borough with available meetings spaces.
How can a client engage with the Kingston service?We ask for a referral form to be completed and for each client group the referral pathway is:
For clients with Autism/Asperger’s, they can self-refer or be referred by any other services.
For clients with a learning disability, the Kingston Community Learning Disability Team need to make the referral.
For clients with a mental health condition. the Kingston Mental Health Social Care team need to make the referral. -
Do clients need to have worked before to engage with the service?No clients do not need to have worked previously; we can support individuals with all backgrounds. The only thing we need is a desire to take steps towards employment.
Other Back to Work services
Tower Hamlets IPS
A tailored employment service for clients based in Tower Hamlets who want to gain paid employment or support to retain a job.
Enfield IPS
Our Kingston service specialises in supporting individuals who are neurodiverse and/or have learning disabilities to find volunteering, training and employment.
Upskill Standard
Employment Scheme
UpSkill services works with clients to create a plan that works towards them feeling more comfortable applying for roles and ultimately securing employment.